When I think about Sammis | Ochoa, I think of my happy place. You know that saying. The one that goes something like “It’s not work if you love what you’re doing.” Maybe I totally butchered that, but you know what I mean. There was a time in my life (I’d say about my late 20’s) where I seriously wondered where I was going. What am I doing? Am I supposed to be here? Really, right here? Where was I driving this life boat? This sad little boat felt more like a sinking ship. I just didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. As each birthday went by, I felt the lingering stress of the unknown. I often found myself chasing the dreams I thought I should be chasing. You know, the ones that paid lots of money and made Mom and Dad super proud. But the more and more I landed these prestigious jobs, I realized that money couldn’t buy my happiness. In fact, all I bought were things. I might have picked up a little unhappiness on the journey too.
All I found myself thinking about was time. How many more days left in the week? When is the next holiday? Is it Friday yet?
Just. Take. Me. Anywhere… but here.
Fast forward to the time I was hired, while pregnant, by two pretty amazing humans that saw past my physical appearance and listened intently to a woman who had been through a crazy year of soul searching and job seeking. They heard my experience, they heard my personality, they heard my work ethic, they heard… me.
In the beginning, working at S|O felt like a dream. Too good to be true. Everyone is so nice. Everyone is so eager to help. Where are the petty-adult-women that have it out for the new girl. Wait. What? My bosses are actually asking me what I think about the company. How they can improve and make the company better for the employees they value. “Do you feel you are being challenged?” “On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?” “How well does our organization support you in exploring your professional interests and goals?” Are you kidding me?! Are these trick questions?
You know that moment when you land a job you really wanted and then two months later feel like it might’ve been the worst decision ever?
After six months… I found myself asking more questions. Why do I still love it here? When is something going to go wrong? My bosses and co-workers cannot really be this awesome, can they?
A year and a half later… I’ve accepted the happiness. It’s real. This is happening. I’m happy. And they call it “work”.
Working at Sammis | Ochoa has taught me so much about myself and I am eternally grateful for the life lessons. This job was supposed to be my right now and not my forever. But something didn’t go wrong, it went so right.
What may seem like simple core values, are, in fact, the true heart and soul of Sammis| Ochoa and all that it inspires to be, and is. The vision, unselfish. The culture, so sincere and genuine. I get to wake up every day and contribute to this vision. I am one little piece of what makes Sammis | Ochoa awesome. I know this because my bosses continue to wholeheartedly and emotionally invest in my growth. They continue to push me to the limits of my expertise and most importantly, they listen.
I get to be me at Sammis | Ochoa. A girl who was once fired for saying “Happy Friday!”.
I’m here. This is who I want to be when I grow up.